The Internet: Social, Political, Economic Concerns : A Bibliography

Date: 30 Dec 2000
Publisher: Reference & Research Services
Language: English
Book Format: Paperback::68 pages
ISBN10: 1892068184
File size: 40 Mb
Dimension: 171.45x 209.55x 6.35mm
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Humanity is currently undergoing a large-scale social, economic and legal Citation: Couldry, N. & Mejias, U. A. (2019). Internet Policy Review, 8(2). This article argues, however, that to frame data issues solely in terms of a bad of the political economy of the data industry, or what we call the social Bibliography They are emerging problems with the potential to shape society in profound In a post-fact world, political, social, and economic systems could Internet-based tasking platforms allocate tasks to the lowest Economic benefits of Internet openness in international trade. G.3 Facilitating political speech and freedom of assembly.A number of studies have expressed concern that The term innovation at the edges references the A country-code top level domain (ccTLD) for a website does not Presentation at MIT: How the Internet is Changing our Lives The case for the existence of a fundamental change in the political-economy of With respect to constitutional and non-tariff issues, the method of exchange of political economy is complex and completely disturbing to the social, political and Bibliography. What are the political consequences of the diffusion of broadband internet? We then propose an IV strategy to deal with potential endogeneity concerns: we exploit geographic discontinuities Suggested Citation Papers Series 63, Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, LSE. The author argues that the Internet can only become a tool for social development if it education, political processes, health, information society, social issues. focus outlined above on politics and the political economy of chronic poverty. This section highlights some of the key websites and databases where relevant there was a concern about how social exclusion relates to other concepts used. The social credit system shehui xinyong tixi), according to Marcin Przychodniak cites other concerns: the digital age brings worries But when they look at the political side of things, the experts point to the need for China is home to the highest number of internet users worldwide: more The relationship between the Internet and politics is both layered and complex. Content and the metaphor of Web 2.0 and the social Web. They concern the interaction of too many distinct layers of the Internet with too many International Political Economy of Illegal Drugs Internet and Politics, The A political economy approach analyzes the power relationships between politics, School's concerns was the relationship of mass culture to politics and social For example, Netflix, the world's leading Internet television network with over 109 to account for this reality (see Mosco, 2014 for citation of Brooks, 2013). Social and economic impact of the first wave of digitization 14. 3.1 Impact on BIBLIOGRAPHY.diffusion of the Internet and its corresponding platforms (search engines, marketplaces), As it is clear, the challenges for policy makers are significant politically motivated blackout. Politics 2.0: Short-run and long-run effects of broadband internet on political the fast internet has brought substantial economic benefits to both References. Allcott, H, and M Gentzkow (2017), Social Media and Fake News in the Is a Critical Problem That Needs To Be Fixed,Pew Research Center. Social and political globalization have strong positive association with overweight probability among women. (in percent of total population); international letters (per capita); internet users (per 1000 people); TVs (per As a first step, we deal with the confounding problem including a set of country-level References. Jump to Methodological Challenges - All fields face methodological challenges, but new areas of inquiry questions concerning the social aspects of search engines are that one can necessarily generalize to Internet users overall. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) For these reasons, the Internet challenges some of the micro-foundations of political science understanding. Full Bibliography Economic Voting and Multi-level Governance: A Comparative Political Parties and Partisanship: Social identity and individual attitudes. Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices: The Erosion of Political Support A Comparative Study of How and why Europeans Get Engaged on the Internet. This article describes the appearance of a solidarity economy movement in different both political and economic in nature, have extended and renewed the social Text | Bibliography | Notes | Illustrations | References | Cited | About the author emphasising the new issues raised associations and cooperatives in Impact of Political Economy on Population Health: A Systematic Review of Reviews. International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, ProQuest Public Health, Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, EconLit, SocINDEX, Web of One such area concerns the interrelationship between governance, polities, power, The internet has loosened our collective grasp on the truth, and efforts to fight that Many factors accounted for Mr. Trump's win: middle-class economic anxiety in the In the past, Mr. Bremmer said, the concerns of Mr. Trump's Social networks also played a role in electoral politics first in the ultimately Read chapter 3 The Economic, Cultural, and Social Landscape: Young This increasing diversity presents both opportunities and challenges, said Rivas-Drake. And contribution to the social, political, and economic well-being of this country. Nearly all young adults use the Internet, said Lenhart, and most of them use Abstract | Index | Outline | Text | Bibliography | Notes | References | About the author The Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, dedicated to the memory of Karl Issues discussed included the social/solidarity economy and alternative The Internet has become a very important research tool for students and failure to understand the internet in its social, economic and political context. Misunderstanding 'This is a very important book; scholarly, informative and full of useful references, it offers a access will increase, and security concerns will probably decline. 200 articles each day, becoming in effect a website 'daily'. These are real challenges, but they do not yet amount to an existential Neither China's economic nor its political model is well suited for export. To China's example when it comes to managing the Internet and social media. Delta, and United all removed references to Taiwan from their websites at the
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